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Mini Book Review: The Grace Year by Kim Liggett

Mini Book Review: The Grace Year by Kim Liggett

***Scroll to the bottom for my rating***

Book club read number 2 was a success! I have had this book on my TBR for a few years now, and when the girls in my book club wanted to read it, too, I was so glad we got to experience it together. It’s been a while since I completed this read, so my review may not have as many details as usual. Still, I did really enjoy the twists and complexities of this story. 

We discussed this book more than our first during book club as we bonded over the girls in their grace year. Although something like the grace year has never happened to us, there are still so many elements that translate to today’s society and the fight for women’s equality. Realizing that this is a fight we are in together, not combatting individually, will lead to change and progress, much like in the grace year.

Tierney James creates a new narrative for the girls of Garner County, fighting for them even when they didn’t want to fight for her. She shows up and stands out, empowering them to make a change for the girls who are to succeed them in their grace year. With touches of magic mixed with reality, this alternate reality (past, present, or future) was a wonderful read, especially when reading it with such an amazing group of women. It left us appreciating our friendships, asking ourselves how we can continue to support and lift one another up, and how we can do that for younger generations, too. 

For these reasons and so much more, I am rating The Grace Year 8 out of 10 stars. 

As always, thanks for reading! 💜

Stars: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

How I Rate My Reads - New Rating System

How I Rate My Reads - New Rating System