Book Review: For the Wolf by Hannah Whitten

***May contain spoilers***

***Scroll to the bottom for my rating***

My recent read of For the Wolf  by Hannah Whitten has left me with a bit of a book hangover. 

Entering the world of Valeydan and the Wilderwood felt like a dream laced with a nightmare. Following a centuries-old tradition that the second-born daughter must be sacrificed to the Wolf inside the Wilderwood in hopes that he will release the world's gods, Red happily walks into the Wilderwood, not expecting any of what she finds when she enters. Hoping to escape something those close to her didn't understand.

Expecting death and monsters upon entering, the last thing Red thought she'd find was a crumbling castle, a handsome man, and magic pulsing through her veins. And she certainly never expected to need to save the Wolf, herself, or her sister. 

There were a lot of elements that had the "Beauty and the Beast" feel. Still, I thought this book was more representative of Frozen 2, with the sister relationship, magical forest, and effort to change tradition. I loved it! 

The world-building, character development, and pacing were all really well done. Whitten was able to evoke a variety of emotions and suspense. I found myself reading literally on the edge of my seat. The only reason I didn't cry at the end is because I stopped reading mid-scene to breathe and make the tears dry out. It was compelling and beautifully written. 

If my library wasn't closed for renovation and I wasn't on a book-buying ban at the moment, I would have been reading the sequel in an instant. 

I don't know what it is because I loved this one so much, but something's holding me back from giving this book 5 stars. I want to, but I can't bring myself to do it. I get this particular feeling with a 5-star read, and this was just on the cusp of it, but not quite there, which is why I'm rating For the Wolf 4.5 out of 5 stars. 

As always, thanks for reading! 💜

Stars: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️.5

Spice: 🌶️