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Self Love & Spiritual Alchemy by Dani Watson

As written on the cover, Self Love & Spiritual Alchemy is a self-help novel written by female life coach Dani Watson to help you “strengthen your self-worth, master your mindset & manifest the life you desire.” 

Ladies, this is a great novel to read if you are looking to improve your confidence: understand what you deserve each day and manifest the things that you want in your life. 

Watson writes this book with examples and anecdotes she’s learned from her own life experience and her experience as a life coach. Including things she’s heard from clients after teaching the methods, she writes about in SL & SA. 

Along with her lessons and anecdotes, Watson includes a variety of exercises to help the reader get a grasp on the coaching presented throughout the chapters. These are great to employ at the moment and look back on for reference and practice later. 

Another thing to note is her quotes from famous writers, speakers, etc. These quotes are typically on their own portion of the page, at the top of a section. They are great to look back upon and keep track of for extra motivation. With the separation of the quotes, there are also bullet points and different bolded sections, which keep the chapters and exercises very original. 

My only qualm with this book is the typeface. There are recurring moments where the font changes in the middle of a paragraph. It is either: larger or smaller than the previous font, an entirely different font, or even a different color. 

There are also moments when there are random gaps or spaces. These interruptions in the text were a bit distracting at times. That is why I am awarding this book three stars. 

Another reason why I’ve rated it at three stars is that it can’t necessarily be read whenever, wherever, by whomever. It makes me lower its rating. If you aren’t ready for some guidance like this, it might not be for you or your time to read it. I have truthfully found these lessons meaningful and have already seen the impact they’ve had on my life and mindset. In light of that, I recommend that any woman who is ready to make a change in their life take a chance with this book. 

As always, thanks for reading! 💜


Just a note: I know it has been several months since my last book review, I have read several books in the meantime if you’d like to see what I had read up until this point please check out my Goodreads account!

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